Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly referred to as MRI, is a primary imaging modality used in radiology.
MRI uses a magnetic field and radio frequencies to develop detailed, high-resolution images of organs and tissues.
MRI creates cross sectional images of the study, allowing physicians to view cross sections of the area of interest to find the problem at hand.
- General contrast and non-contrast examinations
- Musculoskeletal MRI
- NeuroQuant MRI
Some MRI scans require preparation such as fasting. Our booking consultants will advise you if any preparation is required upon scheduling your appointment.
We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete an MRI safety questionnaire.
Please advise the radiographer if you are, or think you may be pregnant or if you are currently breastfeeding.
For your comfort during the examination, we recommend you remove any jewellery from your body and to wear loose fitting clothing without metal buttons, buckles, fasteners or zippers, as metal objects interfere with the scan. A gown will be provided if clothing needs to be removed.
The imaging technician will assist you onto the scanning table, and you will be positioned head or feet first, depending on your examination. The scanning table will slide into the magnet so the body part under examination is in the middle of the scanner.
You will be asked to keep very still. Depending upon the type of MRI you are having, the study may take 30-40 minutes to perform. During this time, the MRI machine will make a series of different noises, some of which may be loud. You will be asked to select your preferred music genre or radio station to listen to and will be provided with headphones to make your scan as pleasant as possible. Ear plugs can also be provided for those who are particularly sensitive to sound.
In some cases, an intravenous contrast material called gadolinium may be required to make your examination more accurate. This is injected through an intravenous (IV) line into a vein in your hand or arm and is used to help enhance the appearance of blood flow details during the examination
- Your original referral or request form
- Medicare and any Government concession pension or health care cards
- Previous relevant imaging
Please allow 30-40 minutes.
As MRI machines are a large powerful magnet, certain implants are not MRI safe or only safe on certain machines. You will be asked to complete a safety questionnaire prior to your scan so our MRI technician can assess your MRI safety.
Some implants in the body might need us to investigate further so you will be asked whether you have any prosthetic joints, aneurysm clips in the brain, a pacemaker or artificial heart valve, stents, IUD (intra-uterine device) or metal plates, pins, screws, or surgical staples.
You will also be asked if you’ve worked with metal and may have metal fragments in your body, particularly your eyes. Sometimes an eye X-Ray will be carried out prior to the MRI to confirm the absence of metal fragments.